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This level gives you access to all the energy training previously shared on Ground Crew Command Radio, streamlined and ready for you to download and use!

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Questions for the Unknown Lightwarrior
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This level gives you access to all the energy training shared on Ground Crew Command Radio, streamlined and ready for you to download and use + Monthly Q&A video with the Unknown Lightwarrior + Additional Energy training + Monthly visualization to meet your galactic family and other galactic races.

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This level gives you access to all the energy training shared on Ground Crew Command Radio, streamlined and ready for you to download and use + Monthly Q&A video with the Unknown Lightwarrior + Monthly visualization to meet your galactic family and other galactic races + Email consultation (once weekly) with the Unknown Lightwarrior when you ask your questions on the Patreon platform.

Beta Tester
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This level gives you a chance to Beta Test new Sacred Victory Codes for FREE + access to all the energy training shared on Ground Crew Command Radio, streamlined and ready for you to download and use + Monthly Q&A video with the Unknown Lightwarrior + Monthly visualization to meet your galactic family and other galactic races + Email consultation (once weekly) with the Unknown Lightwarrior when you ask your questions on the Patreon platform.
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